Tag: Sioned Jones

Posted in Shakespeare Theatre Theatre review

Review: Macbeth, Shakespeare in the Squares

Shakespeare in the Squares deliver their first winter season with a pantomime-influenced take on Macbeth, seen here…

Posted in Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Theatre review

Review: All’s Well That Ends Well, Shakespeare in the Squares

Summer means it is outdoor Shakespeare time even if it isn’t that warm of an evening yet,…

Posted in LGBTQ+ Omnibus Theatre Peter Gill Theatre Theatre review

Review: Small Change, Omnibus Theatre

A boldly artistic take on Peter Gill’s Small Change makes for a challenging but rewarding watch at…

Posted in LGBTQ+ Theatre

Review: The Killing of Sister George, London Theatre Workshop

“What are you doing? ‘I’m writing something very obscene about the British Broadcasting Corporation’” With a BBC…

Posted in Mike Bartlett National Theatre Theatre Top plays of 2011

Review: 13, National Theatre

“Over the last year, it feels like it’s all falling apart…in this country…across the world…” Mike Bartlett…

Posted in Live Music Music

Review: Grateful, starring Anton Stephans, Cadogan Hall

“Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my…

Posted in National Theatre Theatre Thomas MIddleton

Review: Women Beware Women, National Theatre

Women Beware Women is a cautionary tale of the consequences of the pursuit of wealth, power and…

Posted in National Theatre Shakespeare Theatre

Review: All’s Well That Ends Well, National Theatre

All’s Well That Ends Well is one of Shakespeare’s so-called ‘problem plays’, not easily classified as a…

Posted in Alan Ayckbourn Alexi Kaye Campbell Christopher Hampton Jerry Herman Olivier Awards Theatre awards Yasmina Reza

2009 Laurence Olivier Awards winners

Best New Play  Black Watch by Gregory Burke – Barbican August: Osage County by Tracy Letts –…