Tag: Stephen Tompkinson

Posted in Richmond Theatre Theatre Theatre review

Review: Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening!, Richmond Theatre

Thirty years on from the TV show, Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening! reunites much of the…

Posted in Jasmine Lee-Jones TV

TV Review: The Long Shadow

A truly top quality cast do their best in The Long Shadow but do we need another…

Posted in Hampstead Theatre News Theatre

News: cast announcements from Hampstead Downstairs

24 March – 29 April Sea Creatures will star Geraldine Alexander (Oslo and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, National…

Posted in James Graham TV

TV Review: Sherwood

One of the shows of the year. James Graham’s Sherwood is magisterial, full of stonkingly good acting…

Posted in Abi Morgan The Good Fight TV

TV Review: The Split Series 1 / The Good Fight Series 2

If female-fronted lawyer shows are your bag (and why wouldn’t they be!), the twin joys of The…

Posted in Abi Morgan TV

TV Review: The Split, BBC1 (Episode 1)

All hail the return of Nicola Walker to our TV screens in new Abi Morgan drama The…

Posted in Christmas TV

DVD Review: The Flint Street Nativity

 “Who put Jesus in with the iguana?” Much more fun than traditional takes on the Nativity is…

Posted in Shakespeare TV

DVD Review: ShakespeaRe-Told – The Taming of the Shrew/A Midsummer Night’s Dream

“When you speak, it sounds like poetry” The second disc of ShakespeaRe-Told (first disc reviewed here) features…