Tag: Paul Kaye

Posted in Inside No. 9 TV

12 Days of Inside No. 9 – Series 2

Series 2 of Inside No. 9 establishes the extraordinary variety and effectiveness of this anthology show “Not…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Trying (Series 4)

Series 4 of Trying shifts the focus onto Nikki and Jason’s adoptive kids with little real success…

Posted in Nick Payne Royal Court Theatre TV

#AdventwithClowns Day 15 – Wanderlust (BBC)

NIck Payne adapts his play Wanderlust for TV, with a great lead performance from Toni Collette and…

Posted in TV

TV Review: The Windsors, Series 2

Series 2 of The Windsors ups the absurdity and the satire of this cracking TV show, with…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Chewing Gum (Series 1)

In the spirit of Black Lives Matters and an inspiration from Noma Dumezweni, I’m turning my attention…

Posted in Alexi Kaye Campbell TV Waking the Dead

TV Review: Waking the Dead Series 4

It took them a moment but Series 4 of Waking the Dead finally gets round to shaking…

Posted in Dennis Kelly Lockdown Treats Musicals RSC Theatre

Lockdown treats: ‘When I Grow Up’ times two

Duelling, but equally lovely, renditions of the Matilda classic ‘When I Grow Up’ see members of the…

Posted in Chris Thorpe Guillermo Calderón Royal Court Theatre

Gif Reviews: B + Victory Condition, Royal Court

The Royal Court continues to shake things up under Vicky Featherstone’s reign, offering two shorter plays (though…

Posted in Doctor Who LGBTQ+ Mark Gatiss Steven Moffat TV

Countdown to new Who: Doctor Who Series 9

“Time will tell, it always does” Phew, the Doctor Who rewatch comes to an end with the…