Tag: Susannah Doyle

Posted in Richmond Theatre Theatre Theatre review

Review: Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening!, Richmond Theatre

Thirty years on from the TV show, Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening! reunites much of the…

Posted in LGBTQ+ TV

TV Review: Vigil

Maybe I missed the point but I really rather enjoyed the campy, ridiculous side of submarine drama…

Posted in Humans TV

TV Review: Humans Series 3

I can’t help but think Humans might have run its course as a uniquely intelligent and British…

Posted in Humans TV

TV Review: Humans Series 3, Episode 1

All hail the return of nuanced, intelligent sci-fi – series 3 of Humans starts on Channel 4…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Apple Tree Yard

“Before I met you I was a civilised woman” Based on the novel of the same name…

Posted in Black Mirror TV

12 Days of Christmas – Black Mirror 3:3

“I’m a decent bloke really” On the ninth day of Christmas,Black Mirror gave to me…a skin-crawlingly dark episode…