Tag: Natasha Wilde

Posted in LGBTQ+ Lucy Moss Musicals Theatre Theatre review Toby Marlow West End

Review: Why Am I So Single?, Garrick Theatre

Why Am I So Single? is riotous and raucous and somewhat random too, now playing at the…

Posted in LGBTQ+ Lucy Moss Musicals News Theatre Toby Marlow West End

News: Why Am I So Single full cast

Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss are best known for their groundbreaking muiscal Six, which tells the untold story…

Posted in Musicals News Not-London Theatre

News: 42 Balloons reveals full cast and creatives

Award winning producers Andy Barnes and Wendy Barnes from Global Musicals (SIX, The Choir of Man, Pieces of String, Lift)and Kevin McCollum from Alchemation (Mrs Doubtfire, SIX,…