Tag: Joseph Mawle

Posted in DC Moore LGBTQ+ TV

TV Review: Mary & George

Julianne Moore leads the mostly frothily fun Mary & George, with a cracking Nicola Walker in brief…

Posted in TV

TV news: King & Conqueror announces further cast

The BBC and CBS Studios have announced further casting for the new eight-part period drama, King &…

Posted in Ripper Street TV

TV Review: Ripper Street Series 5

I finally get around to watching Series 5 of Ripper Street on Amazon Prime “No rumpus here…

Posted in Silent Witness TV

TV Review: Silent Witness Series 10

Series 10 of Silent Witness, aka the one where they add episodes, make Harry a wannabe stand-up…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Merlin Series 2

Continuing my Merlin rewatch with Series 2 and the beginnings of better things to come “I don’t…

Posted in TV Waking the Dead

TV Review: Waking the Dead Series 8

Alas poor Stella. Series 8 of Waking the Dead shakes up the team once again but its…

Posted in Film

Film Review: Mr Jones (2019)

Directed by Agnieszka Holland, Mr Jones delves deep into a shocking, and underexplored, piece of modern history and…

Posted in Ripper Street TV

TV Review: Ripper Street Series 2

“You believe in laws but there are only lechers” For some reason or other, I stopped watching…

Posted in Digital Film Short Films

Short Film Review #59

Toilets from Gabriel Bisset-Smith on Vimeo. Gabriel Bisset-Smith’s Toilets is a great twist on your average rom-com,…