Tag: Emma Lowndes

Posted in Beth Steel TV

DVD Review: Jane Eyre (2006)

“We’re not the platonic sort Jane” The 2006 BBC take on Jane Eyre marked Ruth Wilson’s major…

Posted in National Theatre Theatre

Review: Children of the Sun, National Theatre

“We are tiny, tiny fragments of miniscule cogs in a grand and fabulously random collision” If it…

Posted in Film Mike Leigh

Film Review: All or Nothing (2002)

“Love, it’s like a dripping tap” First up was 2002’s All or Nothing, though it was a…

Posted in Guillermo Calderón Readings Royal Court Theatre

Not-a-Review: Villa, Royal Court

“Somebody spoiled their ballot” Continuing the International Playwrights season at the Royal Court was the first of…

Posted in National Theatre Theatre Theatre review

Review: Thérèse Raquin, National Theatre

Thérèse Raquin was originally a novel by Emile Zola but he adapted it into a play himself,…