Ridiculusmus’ David Woods takes on the 10 questions for 10 years challenge
Where were you 10 years ago?
2008? In a metal suit of armour banging a halberd on behalf of the deflowered king of Belvoir Street embodied by Geoffrey Rush
Best show you’ve seen in the last 10 years?
Since 2008? Food Court by Back To Back Theatre
What has been your professional highlight of the last 10 years?
Die! Die Die! Die! Old People Die!
Top flavour of interval ice-cream?
Chilli choc top
What show do you wish theatres would give a rest for a few years?
Commercial shit
Name someone who you think is a really underappreciated talent (in the world of theatre)?
Patrizia Paolini
Elphaba or Glinda?
What is one thing that you think would help theatre survive and/or thrive the next ten years?
Unplug the internet
Which is your favourite theatre?
Volksbuhne am Rosa Luxemburg Platz
Can you say anything about what’s to come for you, (in the next ten years or otherwise)?
Dying slowly
love your work dave. cheers tommy