Released earlier this month, Favourite Sins is 4-track EP of musical theatre tracks written by actor/singer/songwriter Alex James Ellison with lyricists Robert Gould (whose work I have previously reviewed here and here) and Jimmy Granstrom. Ellison and Gould are in the midst of developing a new musical tentatively called Texting and Tweeting – the Musical and it is the fruitfulness of this collaboration that has inspired this collection.
It’s an interesting, if mixed, collection that is performed here by some strong musical theatre talent. Kane Oliver Parry and Jodie Steele imbue the chirpy ‘Vanity is your Favourite Sin’ is a real sense of character and Cameron Sharp’s ‘Just Let Me Love You’ is a solid pop-rock tune. My favourite track is short but extremely sweet piano-based balled ‘Sun’, given a gorgeously warm vocal by Emily Tierney, the clear melodic gifts of the composer shining through.
Ellison’s own ‘Like Girls’ feels like a little bit of a misstep though, a self-deprecating narrator clumsily bemoaning his tendency to fall in love with lesbians doesn’t chime well in today’s society and the lyrics could usefully be sharpened up comedically if the track is to work at all. Favourite Sins is available now on iTunes and limited edition physical hard copy CDs are also available to order via the Favourite Sins website.