Tag: Victoria Wicks

Posted in Richmond Theatre Theatre Theatre review

Review: Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening!, Richmond Theatre

Thirty years on from the TV show, Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening! reunites much of the…

Posted in Film

Film Review: Finding Your Feet (2017)

Finding Your Feet has Imelda Staunton reluctantly doing the hokey cokey – what more could you possibly…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Collision (2009)

A random selection from Britbox, five-parter Collision proves an engrossing take on the multi-strand drama “You shouldn’t…

Posted in Silent Witness TV

TV Review: Silent Witness Series 15

Series 15 of Silent Witness ends up being a bit of a dud with both Harry and…

Posted in Doctor Who LGBTQ+ Russell T Davies Steven Moffat TV

Countdown to new Who: Doctor Who Series 4

“Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved” And here we are, my favourite…

Posted in Film LGBTQ+

Film Review: The Imitation Game (2014)

“Alan, I’ve a funny feeling you’re going to be rather good at this” As Hollywood gears up…