Tag: Gaby French

Posted in Inside No. 9 Theatre Theatre review West End

Review: Inside No.9 – Stage/Fright, Wyndham’s Theatre

If it doesn’t quite scale the heights of its finest episodes, Inside No.9 – Stage/Fright is still…

Posted in Inside No. 9 Mark Gatiss TV

12 Days of Inside No. 9 – Series 9

Inside No. 9 reaches Series 9, and possibly the end, in quite some style “We haven’t just…

Posted in Inside No. 9 TV

12 Days of Inside No. 9 – Series 5

Series 5 of Inside No. 9 feels like something of a mixed bag, even with an excellent…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Scoop

Some powerful acting makes the process of getting a controversial Newsnight interview rather interesting in Scoop “An…

Posted in TV

TV Review: I May Destroy You

The best TV show of the year? Definitely so far…Michaela Coel’s I May Destroy You is just…

Posted in Film

Film news: trailer for Military Wives released

Ahead of the film’s release on 6th March 2020, a new trailer has been released for Military…

Posted in LGBTQ+ National Theatre Theatre Theatre review

Review: If We Were Older, National Theatre

Alice Schofield’s New Views-winning play If We Were Older is an absolute triumph at the National Theatre…

Posted in Hampstead Theatre Theatre Theatre review

Review: Scarlett, Hampstead Downstairs

“Don’t you want to come home?” Colette Kane’s I Know How I Feel About Eve played at…