Category: Noël Coward

Posted in Noël Coward Theatre

Review: Hay Fever, Rose Theatre Kingston

“People stare in astonishment when we say the most ordinary things” In mounting a new production of…

Posted in LGBTQ+ Noël Coward Old Vic Theatre

Review: Design for Living, Old Vic

“I love you. You love me. You love Otto. I love Otto. Otto loves you. Otto loves…

Posted in Noël Coward Theatre West End

Review: Private Lives, Vaudeville

“I believe in being kind to everyone, giving money to old beggar women and being as gay…

Posted in National Theatre Noël Coward Theatre

Review: Present Laughter, National Theatre

Present Laughter, the Noël Coward play about a middle aged matinée idol, arrives at the Lyttelton in…

Posted in Noël Coward Theatre Theatre review West End

Review: Hay Fever, Theatre Royal Haymarket

Set in the country house of the Bliss family, Hay Fever is a comedy of bad manners…