Tag: Simon Chandler

Posted in Kiln Theatre LGBTQ+ Lucy Kirkwood Theatre

Review: Bloody Wimmin, Women, Power and Politics at the Tricycle

Play number four of the Then half of Women, Power and Politics season at the Tricycle Theatre…

Posted in Kiln Theatre Rebecca Lenkiewicz Theatre

Review: The Lioness, Women, Power and Politics at the Tricycle

Play number three of the Then half of Women, Power and Politics season at the Tricycle Theatre…

Posted in Kiln Theatre Moira Buffini Theatre

Review: Handbagged, Women, Power and Politics at the Tricycle

Play number 2 of the Then half of Women, Power and Politics season at the Tricycle Theatre…

Posted in Kiln Theatre Lucy Kirkwood Moira Buffini Rebecca Lenkiewicz Theatre

Review: Women, Power and Politics: Then, Tricycle

“It’s terribly easy to laugh at passion” Women, Power and Politics: Then is one half of a…