Tag: Phil Davis

Posted in Gwyneth Hughes TV

TV Review: Five Days (Series 1)

Gwyneth Hughes’ Five Days proves an interesting take on your standard crime procedural “Someone has to know…

Posted in Poldark TV

TV Review: Poldark (Series 2)

I mostly enjoy Series 2 of Poldark but feel a little unsure if there’s really 3 more…

Posted in Poldark TV

TV Review: Poldark (Series 1)

Whilst I can see the appeal in Poldark of the scenery – both in terms of the…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Ragdoll

The world might not be crying out for another crime drama but Ragdoll is gruesomely entertaining “Remember…

Posted in Film

Film Review: Hampstead (2017)

Diane Keaton and Brendan Gleeson bring ample charm to Hampstead but some seriously poor writing fatally lets…

Posted in Film

Film Review: Golden Years (2016)

A cringingly bad entry into the senior film market – Golden Years is best avoided “Cucumber ready…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Trying (Series 3)

The third series of Apple TV’s Trying proves a bit of a disappointment as it goes too…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Collision (2009)

A random selection from Britbox, five-parter Collision proves an engrossing take on the multi-strand drama “You shouldn’t…

Posted in Film

Film Review: Fast Girls (2012)

Set in the world of athletics, Fast Girls is an effective take on many of the traditional…