Tag: Nadi Kemp-Sayfi

Posted in Bush Theatre LGBTQ+ Theatre Theatre review

Review: Tender, Bush Theatre

There’s a trickiness in the tricksiness of Eleanor Tindall’s Tender at the Bush Theatre “You could say,…

Posted in News Shakespeare Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

News: Cast announced for Cymbeline at Shakespeare’s Globe

Shakespeare’s Globe have announced the cast of the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse production of Cymbeline, directed by Jennifer…

Posted in News Not-London RSC Shakespeare Theatre UK

News: Thalissa Teixeira to play Brutus for the RSC

The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) has today announced casting for its forthcoming production of Shakespeare’s political thriller, Julius…

Posted in Not-London RSC Shakespeare Theatre

#AdventwithClowns Day 18 – King John (RSC via Britbox)

Eleanor Rhode offers up a vibrantly contemporary production of King John for the RSC, with a striking…

Posted in News Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

News: Shakespeare’s Globe reveals 2021 season

Shakespeare’s Globe has revealed the season of shows that will begin on 19th May in accordance with…

Posted in Barn Theatre Digital James Graham Juliet Gilkes Romero Mark Gatiss Musicals Not-London Nottingham Playhouse RSC Stephen Sondheim Theatre Tom Morton-Smith UK

News: October UK theatre news update

We’re beginning to see the fruits of some more of the lockdown programming that has seen theatres…

Posted in Not-London Theatre Theatre review UK

Review: The Hundred and One Dalmatians, Birmingham Rep

“I want those puppies” I can be accused of a fair few things but not a lack…