Tag: Lee Greenaway

Posted in Gilbert and Sullivan Musicals News Theatre Theatre Royal Bath Touring Wilton's Music Hall

News: Cast announced for new revival of Sasha Regan’s all-male Pirates of Penzance

Following critically acclaimed highly successful all-male productions of H.M.S. Pinafore and The Mikado, Sasha Regan returns to…

Posted in Gilbert and Sullivan Musicals Theatre Theatre review Union Theatre West End

Review: Sasha Regan’s All Male The Pirates of Penzance, Palace Theatre

Sasha Regan’s All Male The Pirates of Penzance proves a feast for ears and the eyes in…

Posted in Gilbert and Sullivan Musicals News Theatre Union Theatre West End

Sasha Regan’s All Male ‘The Pirates of Penzance’ cast announced, plus second date in the West End

Sasha Regan’s All Male The Pirates of Penzance cast announced, plus second date in the West End…

Posted in Musicals Theatre Theatre review Top plays of 2018 Union Theatre

Review: Brass the Musical, Union Theatre

Brass the Musical at the Union Theatre is a powerfully moving celebration of sacrifices made, of service…

Posted in Gilbert and Sullivan Musicals Richmond Theatre Theatre Theatre review Union Theatre

Review: Iolanthe, Richmond Theatre

A much welcome revival for Sasha Regan’s all-male Iolanthe, bringing Gilbert and Sullivan to Richmond Theatre as…

Posted in Musicals Stiles + Drewe Theatre

Review: Just So, Tabard

“Why are those things you admire most in others the hardest to find in yourself?”   Stiles+Drewe…

Posted in Gilbert and Sullivan Musicals Theatre Wilton's Music Hall

Review: The Pirates of Penzance, Wilton’s Music Hall

“’Stop, ladies, pray. ‘A man!’” So just a few days after seeing the touring production of Pirates…