Tag: Izuka Hoyle

Posted in TV

TV Review: The Responder (Series 2)

Series 2 of The Responder tightens the screws of its unbearable tension even further “What if I’m…

Posted in Film

Film Review: The Outrun (2024)

Saoirse Ronan is excellent in the poetic and powerful Orkney-set The Outrun “There is always low key…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Ludwig (Series 1)

Ludwig fills a cosy Jonathan Creek-esque niche with fun performances from David Mitchell and Anna Maxwell Martin…

Posted in LGBTQ+ TV

TV Review: Big Boys (Series 2)

Series 2 of Jack Rooke’s Big Boys widens its scope to become more of an ensemble show…

Posted in LGBTQ+ TV

TV Review: Big Boys (Series 1)

I finally get around the unalloyed pleasures of Series 1 of Big Boys “If you can’t cast…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Deadwater Fell

What better way to warm up for their Macbeth than by watching David Tennant and Cush Jumbo…

Posted in Film

Film Review: Boiling Point (2021)

Filmed brilliantly in a single take, restaurant drama Boiling Point features a breathlessly fantastic performance from Stephen…

Posted in Lockdown Treats Lucy Moss Musicals Theatre Toby Marlow

Lockdown treat: SIX – The worldwide cast of Queens and 3000 fans perform a lockdown collaboration

A bonus extra Friday treat as this one couldn’t wait – ALL the queens of SIX unite!…

Posted in Film

Film Review: Mary Queen of Scots (2018)

A starry Mary Queen of Scots proves an intriguing if a little frustrating film debut for Josie…