Tag: Hermione Norris

Posted in TV Wire in the Blood

TV Review: Wire in the Blood (Series 3)

In Hermione Norris’ final season with the show, Series 3 of Wire in the Blood goes dark…

Posted in TV Wire in the Blood

TV Review: Wire in the Blood (Series 2)

The second series of Wire in the Blood rustles up more of the same “How dark can…

Posted in TV Wire in the Blood

TV Review: Wire in the Blood (Series 1)

As if there wasn’t enough new stuff to watch, I decide to watch Wire in the Blood…

Posted in TV

TV Review: Innocent (Series 1)

A strong cast make the first series of Innocent highly watchable, even if the storytelling never quite…

Posted in Dennis Kelly Spooks TV Zinnie Harris

Lockdown TV Review: Spooks Series 8

With major fluctuations in the force, Series 8 maintains a strong level for Spooks – you could…

Posted in Spooks TV

Lockdown TV Review: Spooks Series 7

In which the rollercoaster of quality rockets sky-high again, Series 7 of Spooks ranks as one of…

Posted in Spooks TV Zinnie Harris

Lockdown TV Review: Spooks Series 6

AKA the one that doesn’t work and the one that you should avoid if you’re feeling angsty…

Posted in Spooks TV Zinnie Harris

Lockdown TV Review: Spooks Series 5

Full of shocks that actually mean something, Series 5 of Spooks is one of its absolute best…

Posted in Luther TV

TV Review: Luther Series 5

Luther Series 5 aka the one that maybe goes too far? “Can we do that? ‘Within parameters…’”…