Tag: Harry Peacock
TV Review: Wire in the Blood (Series 6)
Series 6 of Wire in the Blood brings the show to an ignominious end “Most things about you…

TV Review: The Windsors, Series 2
Series 2 of The Windsors ups the absurdity and the satire of this cracking TV show, with…
TV Review: Jonathan Creek, Series 3
Elements of David Renwick’s writing starts to show signs of flagging as the magic starts to fade…
Countdown to new Who: Doctor Who Series 4
“Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved” And here we are, my favourite…
Review: The Low Road, Royal Court
“You do compete for the good opinion of society, do you not?” *This review is a bit…

2013 What’s On Stage Award nominations
THE DIGITAL THEATRE BEST ACTRESS IN A PLAY Sheridan Smith – Hedda Gabler at the Old Vic Billie Piper…

Review: The Ladykillers, Gielgud Theatre
“You have a very curious and charming house” After having been surprisingly seduced by Noises Off into…
Review: Chicken Soup with Barley, Royal Court
“If you don’t care, you’ll die” A playwright who hasn’t received much attention in years of late,…
Review: Henry IV Part II, National Theatre
Continuing from Part I, Henry IV Part II lends itself to a lighter interpretation due to the…