Tag: David Annen

Posted in News Theatre West End

New cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child announced

(c) Manuel Harlan The new cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has been announced, showing…

Posted in Eugene O'Neill Theatre Young Vic

Review: Ah, Wilderness!, Young Vic

 “You don’t suppose he’s been… ‘No, that’s love not liquor’” It’s a little surprising and indeed disheartening…

Posted in James Graham Mark Gatiss TV

TV Review: Coalition, Channel 4

  “No Lib Dem leader has ever had this kind of exposure and opportunity” James Graham definitely…

Posted in Digital Rachel De-lahay Royal Court Theatre

Review: Off the Page – Microplays 4-6 from the Royal Court and the Guardian

“I believe in being open to all cultures”   There’s something a little perversely ironic about Tim…

Posted in Theatre VAULT Festival

Review: The Cement Garden, Vault Festival

“Thing is pet, maybe you’re better on your own” Under the cement and brick of Waterloo lies…

Posted in Digital Hampstead Theatre Howard Brenton Theatre

Review: Drawing the Line, Hampstead Theatre via livestreaming

“When blood is spilt, disputes between people, nations, religions become all but impossible to solve” A complete…

Posted in Doctor Who Mark Gatiss TV

TV Review: An Adventure in Space and Time

“No-one knows how long it is going to last. No-one’s irreplaceable.” Originally broadcast around the 50th anniversary…

Posted in Kenneth Branagh Manchester International Festival Not-London Shakespeare Theatre UK

Review: Macbeth, St Peter’s Church Manchester

“Thou call’st thyself a hotter name than any is in hell” One of the big ticket numbers…

Posted in TV

DVD Review: Criminal Justice Series 1

“We’ve got the best criminal justice system in the world and the jury will get it right”…