Tag: Abigail Cruttenden

Posted in Film

Film Review: Charlotte Gray (2001)

Part of Helen McCrory weekend “Is it possible for a person to commit a crime without knowing…

Posted in Digital Film Short Films

Review: Backstage Pass (pilot) Inside Fanny

“You’ve got to feed your fanny” Ain’t Twitter grand. All sorts of randomness appears on Twitter, peccadilloes…

Posted in Blanche McIntyre Christopher Hampton Theatre

Review: When Did You Last See My Mother, Trafalgar Studios 2

“You can be terribly tactless Ian” There are two ways this review could go and since I…

Posted in Almeida Theatre David Eldridge Theatre

Review: The Knot of the Heart, Almeida Theatre

“If we don’t like it, we can get on a boat to the Isle of Wight” Following…