Category: Lambeth Fringe

Posted in Lambeth Fringe Theatre Theatre review

Review: Four Funerals and a Wedding, Bread and Roses Theatre

Four Funerals and a Wedding plays the Bread and Roses Theatre as part of the Lambeth Fringe “You just…

Posted in Golden Goose Theatre Lambeth Fringe Theatre Theatre review

Review: Defective Inspector – An American Odyssey & A Stitch in Time, Golden Goose Theatre

The Defectors cheer up a gloomy autumnal night with their Defective Inspector double bill of An American…

Posted in Lambeth Fringe Theatre Theatre review

Review: The Corpse in the Room, Calder Bookshop & Theatre

The Corpse in the Room plays the Calder Bookshop & Theatre as part of the Lambeth Fringe…

Posted in Lambeth Fringe Theatre Theatre review

Review: The Catalogue of Sexual Anxieties, White Bear Theatre

More than just the Andrews Sisters with risqué lyrics, The Catalogue of Sexual Anxieties is enlightening at White Bear…