The joy in improv is being right there in the room and with the comedians of Sorry, there’s such joy, catch them at the VAULT Festival in March
“Sorry I’m late, there were fishermen wanking on the Northern Line”
Improv done well is one of the greatest pleasures I know, and Sorry’s take on the form, which is inexplicably only playing at the VAULT Festival for a couple of dates, has to be some of the best I’ve seen. Over the hour of inspired improvised insanity, the audience was crying with laughter, half the company were helpless too and as ever, you had to be there to even begin to comprehend how funny it was.
To provide the inspiration for their improv, Sorry’s shows begin with a chat with a special guest (tonight saw them invite Dust playwright Milly Thomas) which throws up all sorts of ideas which are then incorporated into the comedy routine that follows. Thomas proved extremely game, revealing a hatred for salmon and a love for giant freaky dolls among other things, which set us off for great things.
The cleverness of team members Liz Kingsman, Alison Thea-Skot, Sophia Broido, Naomi Petersen, and Lola-Rose Maxwell is just how adaptable they prove to be, taking those inspirations lightly but never letting them weigh down the comedy, moving onto the next joke as soon as the well comes close to running dry. And responding to environmental factors (ie the trains rumbling above) led to one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a good while (made so much better by everyone’s reaction to it).
I could talk about how they ruined teddy bears for everyone, unit costs at Tiger Tiger, the random coffee making, or the hilarious musical interlude, but the joy in improv is being right there in the room and with these comedians, there’s such joy. I strongly recommend booking for their March gig now.