Short Film Review #42

How To Get Mugged 



At barely 3 minutes long, Cecilia Fage’s How To Get Mugged is a brilliant example of how to do a comic short, focusing hard on getting the concept right and then exploring it without exploiting it. Too often, comedy stretches out a joke far too thinly but there’s no such fear here as two new Hackney residents are accosted by a mugger but react in a far different way to what you might expect. And given that that mugger is played by the luscious Philip McGinley, I know a good few people who would have reacted in yet another way to being accosted by him 😉



House of Knives


The official reaction to this trailer is #relevanttomyinterests as it features Sam Swainsbury a lot. And as the story features the torrid affair between poets Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine, need I say any more. Now, how to track down a copy of this film!
On The Bridge
A trailer snippet rather than the film itself, but one which looks intriguing for its cast – Dean Lennox Kelly is the better known of the two but I’ve been following Christopher Tester’s career with interest too as an up-and-coming actor, so it could well be one to look out for in the future.
Room 8
James W Griffiths’ Room 8, from an original idea and outline script by Geoffrey Fletcher, is quite the nifty bit of sci-fi, feeling almost like a set-up for an episode of Doctor Who with its clever twistiness and strange goings-on. I won’t say much more about it aside from that two prisoners are locked in a cell with a box which one cannot resist opening…



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