Leading Man of the Year 2013

Theatre, theatre, hot men, theatre – as the festive season draws to a close, my annual late present to y’all is the Leading Man of the Year post. Without fail, these are the most popular posts that I do (2012, 2011, 2010) so who am I to argue against the will of the people. Happy new year!

The list is not ranked in any way, purely in terms of an assortment of men who have turned my eye one way or another on the stage this year.

Dominic Thorburn


As others have pointed out, one of the best adverts, if a little misleading, for going to see Our Country’s Good was Thorburn’s appearance in this photo shoot.


John Light
Whoever came up with SexyOberon was a genius, an unexpected twist but one which made for a delicious A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Mat Wilman
Appearing in a number of productions in 2013, it felt a little like an integral part of Wilman’s contracts was to get his shirt off – though there were no complaints from this quarter!
Jonathan Bailey
A man who is basically unfairly handsome – his presence in the American Psycho ensemble is much welcomed, even if he has to wear some seriously heinous wigs
Roeland Fernhout
One of the sexiest smiles of the year came from Fernhout in the first iteration of Toneelgroep Amsterdam’s Scenes from a Marriage, making his Dutch speech a swaggering, seductive pleasure to get lost in.
Kyle Soller
A man worth giving up a kingdom for? Soller gave as good an account as possible of Gaveston, tempting John Heffernan’s Edward II to the edge of destruction and beyond.
Nick Hendrix
His prince may have been named Digby but might as well as been monikered Charming as the best cure for grief turned out to be the twinkly-eyed and highly buff Hendrix in The Light Princess.
Jude Law
It’s a shame that I can’t find any full length pics of Jude Law’s Henry V as this one doesn’t do justice to the irresistible mix of classic look and modern slim fit that formed one of the only highlights of a dull production.
Rory Keenan
A cheeky chappy par excellence in the National’s Liolร .
Luke Thompson/Joshua Silver
Another entry for The Globe’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream – the Michael Grandage Demetrius/Lysander pairing may have been more obviously attractive, but something about this couple was sexier as they scuffled around in this most sexy of productions.


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